我回臺灣奔喪 不在家兩個多禮拜
只有老公照顧兩個兒子 一隻狗 三缸魚
因為已經開學了除了生活起居 還要 take care 他們的 功課
從臺灣回來之後 Benjamin不小心告訴我 他有一個 spelling test 47分
他支支吾吾的說不清楚到底是什麼 spelling test
47分 那也考得太爛了吧
於定我說考卷呢 拿來看看 Where is the paper?
Well, Since you are in Taiwan, i don't want you get mad and worry about me.
I throwed the paper into the trash can at school.
為什麼要丟掉 我問
The teacher says you can do to the graded paper whatever you want .
我大聲的說 那也要等我看過以後才可以 do whatever you want, 知道嗎!!