先讓我解釋一下, 這篇東西是前幾天我在Benjamin書包發現的一份考卷其中的一小部分, 小三社會科第四課的申論題部分是也, 題目和作答如下, 這一課是學【政府與憲法】.
好在Benjamin的常項是"說話", 申論題OK的.
The Bill of Rights is the part of the contitution that names rights and freedoms that belong to all Americans. It also names the freedoms that the government cannot take away. Write a paragraph explaining why the Bill of Rights and why it is important to you.
Answer: It exists to name the freedoms that belong to Americans, like to speak in public to speak in about ideas and beliefs abd religion to believe in God. It is important to me because it keeps our rights and the government can't take away those rights so we can have the freedom that we deserve.