- Jan 17 Sun 2010 06:39
- Jan 08 Fri 2010 10:10
我的澎澎頭 [獻醜了]
- Jan 03 Sun 2010 11:17
<插播> R老師的一封old e-mail
這是一封 2 年前,R老師寫給校長的e-mail 。
I went to bed last night with a smile. Here is the story.
When I was ready to leave the house for Karen's home yesterday afternoon, I received a phone call. Jacob Villarrel was on the other side of the line asking me how I am doing. I was confused at first but when I realized he was my student in my first year teaching, I was so excited I wish I can shack his hands over the phone. We were on the phone for about 10 minutes before I told him I will be back between 6:00 to 6:30 PM. We exchanged our cell phone numbers then I went to help Vern boarding their windows.
- Dec 31 Thu 2009 10:16
[By BC] Me and my mother together & @_@
- Dec 30 Wed 2009 11:04
[By BC] Ben's first picture on SD CARD
I tried this with my new system DSi. It has the camara, music player and internet browser. It is my Christmas gift.
- Dec 29 Tue 2009 23:54
Just For YU~ Coach 春意盎然
COACH 悄悄地 UPDATE 春季新品~
Christmas 才剛過就放一堆新包包在網站上招搖,
- Dec 29 Tue 2009 12:57
- Dec 29 Tue 2009 11:02
[Fireplace] 新功能