Ben 問我  pedicure 

我說 I know 就是有人幫你 剪腳指甲 擦腳指甲油


所以我接著說 Ben, Mostly, it is for girls. 他說 why not boys?  (你看我就知道他有興趣)

Well, boys usually don't need pedicure unless, you know, for those girly looking boys.

他一定不想是 girly 所以我這樣解釋

Have you ever pedicured ?

媽媽沒有過 but I really want to try.

於是我靈機一動,  Benjamin不是說要 buy me something real good嗎........

MOM: I really want to try. Why don't you pay for it?

Ben: We don't have it here in port lavaca. (他想get out of 這個話題 nicely 一定是這樣)

MOM: 有呀, 就在Domino pizza 旁邊

他look at me 心想完了!!

我覺得太好笑了看他有點慌張的樣子 平常他總是一付胸有成竹

Ben: How much?

MOM: 50... I think 30 (說50塊 他一定不要 他也只有50塊 說3O好了..)

Ben: I don't want it. I want to keep my money.

MOM: but you said you want to buy me something real good and this is what I want.

Ben: I don't want it.

MOM: But you promised, you said you will buy me something really good. Did you just say that? You lied?

Ben: I don't want it. I don't want it.





Are you going to do my nails?


mom: OK, you can do it, if you want.

ben: I want to do pedicure for you.

在他做了一陣子之後 我想可以問問這小子要怎樣美化他的鬼主意 他心裏想什麼難道我會不知道

mom: Ben, you did a good job. I really like it. ..互相牽拖一下之後..

ben: if I can do it for you, you don't need to go to the pedicure, spend money.

(我就知道) 又牽拖了一下之後

我再告訴他 I really like it, you did a good pedicure service.

BEN: if you like it, YOU CAN PAY ME.











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